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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Many Species in New Zealand

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to read the article.

I chose this article because It was an unbelievable article. They found new species of gastropods.

This article was about scientists had been found about 17,000 species. They identified about 6500 species and 400 species waiting to be described. They found many species in places as approachable as Wellington Harbour and Whangarei Harbour. Moreover, they found new and distinct species of 2 gastropods and 66 species of black corals. Otherwise, about half the flora and fauna in our marine environment were endemic and found only in New Zealand. Furthermore, human got a lot of benefit from marine. For example, scientists were starting to explore the anti-cancer properties of some species.

In my point of view, I think we should maintain and take care of the environment and ecosystem because the habitat where we live, it is not only us but also those species.

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